Fun Things to Do and See --------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the greatest things about Duke Nukem 3D are all the gags and hidden jokes the developers planted in the game. Also, there are a few bugs in the game that are fun to exploit. Here are a few: Episode 1: L.A. Meltdown * In the theater bathroom on level 1, check just above the urinals for a special phone number. Remember Tommy Tutone from the 80's? * Throw a pipe bomb or shoot an RPG into a teleporter. :-) * Hang out by the fire hydrant in level 1 with an RPG ready. Swallow the steroids and shoot a rocket back towards where you start the level. Then, immediately run after that rocket. Don't run into it or you're toast. Instead, run past it on the side. Then, turn around right as you reach the building. If you time it right, you can take the rocket right in the face. Then you get to see your blood spread all over the ground. Suicide has never been so fun! (by James C. Barnes) * Go into the bar next to the disco on level 2 and check out what's playing on the tube. Do the words "slow-speed chase" ring a bell? (Note : you won't get to see what's on TV if you fire an RPG into the room before entering.) * Turn off clipping mode with 'dnclip' and walk through a mirror. Neat effect! * Go into the chapel on level 3 and walk up to the altar. Shoot out both stained-glass windows and then press the space bar against the face panel. The cross will invert, and a passage will open on the left side. You'll find an octabrain and a corpse in a green space suit. Duke says, "That's one doomed space marine!" (If you haven't played Doom DeathMatch, you won't get the joke). There's a chaingun on the ledge behind the corpse, too. * Try this: go outside, turn on God mode, and fly up with the jetpack as high as you can go. Press F7 to turn on view mode, and then turn off your jetpack. After you hit the ground you'll get a nice view of what you'd look like if God mode wasn't on! * On Level 6, the Launch Facility, you start out facing a slow-moving turbine. Go between any two blades of the turbine, and drop a holoduke. Step back, and watch its behavior as the blades hit it. Utterly useless, but interesting. * Try using your pistol or shotgun to sink a few balls on the pool table near the bar on level 2. You can also hit the space bar against the table to shoot the balls, too. * On level 6, try tracking through some blood under the rocket and leaving footprints. Then, after you launch the rocket, the footprints are still there--hanging in midair. * If you kill an alien while he is standing under one the the vertically opening doors, the door will come down and squish the body, and whenever it opens after that it a stringy bit of flesh gets stretched between the two halves of the door. * Get a "shock" by touching the electrical outlet in the arcade in level 1. * Start a new game. Before descending down the vent, type in DNMONSTERS and then drop to the street. Grab the Rocket Launcher from the ledge (you all know where this is by now) and then go to the cinema ticket window. Stand back (I usually stand in the shadow of the air vent I came down) and shoot a rocket through the ticket window (use crosshair if needed). This will blow a hole in the side of the wall. Now go stand infront of the hole looking into the ticket booth and type DNMONSTERS This will turn the monsters BACK ON and the lizard who was originally in there will EXPLODE before your very eyes in a glorious display of body parts. Its a Kodak moment so keep your finger over the F12 key to share it with friends. * Edit the user.con file with a text editor, and you'll see how easy it is to change weapon strengths, max ammo supplies, and other stuff. A warning, though: weapon strengths are universal, so if you change the strength of the shotgun, the Pig Cop's will be just as powerful as yours. * (4/14/96 - from Warren Thiele) - Here is a little trick I know of. My friend found it in a DukeMatch, and it really caught me off guard. Go in the apartment behind the cinema sign and jump onto the left window ledge facing out. Duck down and move forward and back, but don't fall off the ledge. If you do it right you'll end up in the corner of the arcade beside the Duke Nukem game. Since you can hear your opponent hit the elevator in the arcade you can time it so that you can blast him with the RGB without him knowing what hit him. I am running Duke Nukem 1.1 shareware. I'm not sure if it'll work in other version. * (4/14/96 - from Paul Forst) - I was just looking at the "Fun things to do" in Duke Nukem and wanted to add one of my own... As far as I know I am the first and only person to have found this glitch. What you do, is got to any level with any women in it (strippers, cheerleaders, etc.) and shrink them (one side note: if you shrink the cheerleaders in the boss level - the Stadium - in episode 3, they unshrink bigger than before), once they have been shrunk select the freezethrower and fire at them. You will usually hear a cry like an alien dying and possibly a spurt of blood, but they will not die. Then when they unshrink, they will be indestructable. You can fire off 100 RPG's at them and they'll still keep on dancing. Also the aliens that always appear when you kill one of the girls will not appear if you use this technique... There is also another related glitch where you first freeze them, then shrink them and then freeze them again. When they unshrink they will be indestructable but you WILL be able to freeze them again, but this time they will still be dancing while frozen, and if you then walk up to them you'll shatter them to pieces. These glitches are in the full version, I don't know if they will or will not work with the shareware version ... Try it out and enjoy... * (5/12/96 - from Ardeo) - I was playing in version 1.3d when I found this out by accident. It only works in 1.3d....that I know so far. If you press f7 to enter view mode, then press f9 without a quick restore spot, then wait a few seconds before hitting return, the view mode camera will advance past DUKE into whatever direction he happens to be facing. The camera will move it's view back to 3 feet in front of you. While it's moving, you have control of where Duke looks, so you can use this to look through walls, doors, etc. It only lasts a few seconds, but that's all you need to see that your opponent is waiting on the other side of the door! * (6/18/96 - from Ardeo) - Start a new game, doesn't matter which episode/difficulty, then type the God-Mode cheat, quit to the title-screen and wait for the demo to load, preferably the one in the space-base. What's that? Duke's gone drunk or something? * (6/18/96 - from Noel H.) - You can get teenage assualt troopers by using the shrinkray on an assault trooper. While he is shrunk, try not to squish him or else the trick won't work. Now aim the freezthrower at him and wait until he starts to unshrink. The second he starts to grow, freeze him. If your timing was right you have a "frozen" teenage assault trooper. When he unfreezes, he'll act as a normal assault trooper, but he'll be the size of a teenager. These teenage assault troopers are a pain in the ass, though. * (6/18/96 - from Noel H.) - Don't you wish you could pump gallons and gallons of blood out of a dead enemy? Well if you do, here's a simple trick that'll make your wish come true. First, kill an enemy but DONT blow him up. Next type DNMONSTERS. All the enemies should've disappeared. Now type DNMONSTERS again. All the monsters should've reappeared. Now aim at the direction of the dead enemy, NOT at the body. Now just shoot! I love using the chaingun with this trick. * (6/18/96 - from Noel H.) - Here's a trick for all you people who love to watch those stupid assault troopers go SPLAT! First of all, go to any episode and do the GOD code. Start a new game and pick episode one and DAMN I'M GOOD as the difficulty level. Once you get on the street, wait until alot of enemies are in the area. Now use your jetpack (the one you got using the GOD code) to fly ALL the way until you stop. Stay up there until ALL the assualt troopers reach your level. Now turn off your jetpack. After you survive the drop, watch the shadows of the assault troopers. If a shadow stops moving, watch out because you know one of those dumbasses is gonna go SPLAT. And since they respawn, you can do this all day! * (7/3/96 - from Mike Mittag) - Here's a fun thing for the Mortal Kombat freaks: In Setup, define right mouse button as quick-kick. In the game, select foot as weapon (Number 1). Push both mouse buttons! (If you select other weapons, Duke can shoot through his foot) * (7/6/96 - from Koolior) - Shoot the shrink gun at a mirror to get a worm's eye view. * (7/9/96 - from Roland) - Type in the cash cheats DNCASHMAN, DNKROZ, and DNSTUFF. Go to a wide open area (street of e1l1, for example), jetpack as high as you can, hit the space bar many, many times and throw lots of money. Then turn off the jetpack to rapidly descend. You will be showered with bills in a minute or two. * (7/21/96) from NForeman) - o 2001: on one of the Lunar Apocalypse missions (I don't know which) there is a secret passage that will lead you to a giant, black monolith emitting a terrible humming noise that can be walked through and into a teleporter that sends you someplace (I forgot where). o The Terminator: in one of the levels on Shrapnel City (Freeway, I think), there is an obvious reference to ARnold's first good movie. It's a mechanical arm hanging out of a crushing thing. You can duck your way into the crushing thing (to get an RPG) when Duke says "Terminated." Look down and there is a flattened Terminator. o Raiders of the Lost Ark: on level 8 of Shrapnel City, there is a swimming pool. Jump behind the waterfall nearby and you are dropped into a small area like the Indian levels of Episode one. There is a handprint on a wall near some palmtrees and a Secret Level Button. Hit the handprint and a small enterance appears. Walking through the fire, walk forward until you reach a small alcove. You know you're there when you see a very small Indiana Jones impaled upon a wooden spike on the wall, as Duke says "We meet again, Doctor Jones." There is an atomic health on a pedastal that, when grabbed, causes the ceiling to come down and shake the whole area. Get out or you'll be squished. (See also: List of Bonus (and Secret) Areas) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------